Posts Tagged ‘ Thomas Mulcair ’

YEG2016: 48 Hours Later

Our party made a shocking decision this weekend.

YEG2016 - Tom at Podium

Tom Mulcair’s final speech to us as party leader on Sunday morning took place immediately prior to the all-important vote.

We were all expecting the leadership review to be a very close vote — that Tom might only barely make the 70% threshold that had been declared the previous week as the magic number.

My greatest fear then had been that we’d find ourselves at 65%, a limbo number with neither sufficient support for Tom to continue, nor low enough to trigger a leadership convention.

We were all dead wrong.

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Orange Sunrise

Tom Mulcair just came out of his first federal leaders’ debate in #elxn42 — and most commentators agree that he knocked it out of the park. (Or that he and Elizabeth May did.)

But I’m not going to go on about politics too much right now. There are plenty of other people already posting endlessly about the debate, if you’re interested.

Sunrise over East York (Orange)

It was just so darned orange.

Instead, I’m going to take the opportunity to post some heavily orange-tinted photos of a glorious sunrise that I saw a few mornings ago. Because… orange! Continue reading

Angela: As Seen on TV!

Whoa! I’m getting my “fifteen seconds of fame”!

Check out this Global News article that just came out today, featuring an 8-minute video!
And make sure to pay close attention to what happens at 0:55 in the clip. (BELOW)

The camera follows Linda (and therefore me by proxy) across the front of the room for a few seconds!

The camera follows Linda (and therefore me by proxy) across the front of the room for a few seconds!

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Meeting Tom Mulcair: Don’t let me faint!

This happened today.

We slid a plate underneath the shirt to keep the canvass flat. :D

We slid a plate underneath the shirt to keep the canvass flat. 😀

Want to hear the story? Yes, of course you do!

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Pride Week Fireworks

Hello, my lovely people.

I haven’t updated in a while because I was away in Manhattan for half a week. I suppose you could say I was celebrating the successful fundraiser… but it was also a much-needed mini-vacation.

Those photos will come eventually, but for now, I’ve still got plenty of Pride photos to show! I’m not uploading very many this time, since I didn’t even TAKE that many photos during the event itself (since I was working the crowd and largely camera-less)… but I did capture a couple with some of the MPs, and, of course, Tom Mulcair himself — to commemorate my first time meeting him, right? 😉

These two were taking a photo together as they were leaving, but at the last minute, Craig Scott noticed me standing nearby and tugged me into the shot, too. :)

These two were taking a photo together as they were leaving, but at the last minute, Craig Scott noticed me standing nearby and tugged me into the shot, too. 🙂

I also snagged photos with plenty of other big names in the community, including Olivia Chow, Susan Gapka, Dean Maher, and, of course, the President of our Riding Association, Vince.

I missed being photographed with Andrea Horwath, but no matter.
I’ll have plenty of other opportunities in the coming months! 🙂

I did, however, have my camera with me full-time during the fireworks later that evening!

I even had my mini-tripod, so I tried some slow-shutter fireworks images, available below. Continue reading

Good news.

First of all, Pride was yesterday. Our NDP fundraiser went incredibly well, much better than expected. Turnout was amazing, and Mulcair high-fived me and called me out as “Wonder Woman” in front of the crowd, which was a really nice little touch. A lot of MPs showed up, even a few who originally said they wouldn’t be able to make it.

Fundraising total hasn’t been added up yet, but I’m looking forward to hearing a five-digit report — of which we’re going to need every penny in order to win the upcoming by-election in Toronto-Centre, now that Bob Rae (Liberal) has resigned.

I’m exhausted now, partially because of that and partially because I’ve been working 7-8-hour shifts every day since Wednesday, and my apartment is strewn with Pride decorations that I was making.

But one final bit of good news before I collapse Continue reading

Media Misrepresentation

The media is frequently criticized for having a bias, whether a “liberal bias” or a “conservative bias,” whether left or right. And I think that bias does exist — the media often strives to be balanced and fair, but it doesn’t always achieve that.

Then there are the media outlets that don’t even try to eliminate their bias.

When I googled “NDP” around 5 PM yesterday evening, this was the first link to show up in the results: an article on the Sun. I’d hoped it would quickly be bumped down by another more reliable news outlet, but no such luck. Once it was updated following Mulcair’s “connect” session, it was renewed in its hit counts.

That Sun article stayed on top quite well into the evening. That’s disturbing in and of itself: that for a period of nearly four hours today, many Canadians were receiving the Sun’s version of our convention before they had easy access to anything else.

What bothers me even more is that Continue reading

So nervous I can barely breathe — NDP Leadership 2012

This weekend has most certainly been the most stressful I’ve had in a long time.

Crisis managing at SSICsim certainly did contribute to that stress (simply because it was just so many things to think about and there were so many new crisis developments to respond to), but the greater factor was the NDP convention downtown today.

I’m not going to give a full update on it just yet, but essentially, the results of the third ballot came out a little over an hour ago. Here are the earliest results, as screencapped from the online livestream the moment they were announced.

Nathan Cullen: 15426 (24.6%)
Brian Topp: 19822 (31.6%)
Thomas Mulcair: 27488 (43.8%)

Cullen took the hit gracefully. But you can tell that there was a lot of Continue reading