Posts Tagged ‘ emotions ’

Waiting for the Bubble to Pop

E+2: I’ve been back from Michigan for nearly a day now.

But I can’t sleep. I can’t fall asleep at all.

I don’t know what I’m feeling, because I think I’m feeling nothing. My mind isn’t reeling a mile a minute as it normally does when I have insomnia, either.

I think my mind has shut down everything except the essentials. I’m still drinking water and doing laundry and mindlessly scrolling through posts on the internet, but I can’t bring myself to cook or go outside our read my textbooks or share any articles about the polling data or even post my own reflections on the campaign because I… don’t feel like doing any of that.

YEG2016: 48 Hours Later

Our party made a shocking decision this weekend.

YEG2016 - Tom at Podium

Tom Mulcair’s final speech to us as party leader on Sunday morning took place immediately prior to the all-important vote.

We were all expecting the leadership review to be a very close vote — that Tom might only barely make the 70% threshold that had been declared the previous week as the magic number.

My greatest fear then had been that we’d find ourselves at 65%, a limbo number with neither sufficient support for Tom to continue, nor low enough to trigger a leadership convention.

We were all dead wrong.

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