Posts Tagged ‘ bias ’

Media Misrepresentation

The media is frequently criticized for having a bias, whether a “liberal bias” or a “conservative bias,” whether left or right. And I think that bias does exist — the media often strives to be balanced and fair, but it doesn’t always achieve that.

Then there are the media outlets that don’t even try to eliminate their bias.

When I googled “NDP” around 5 PM yesterday evening, this was the first link to show up in the results: an article on the Sun. I’d hoped it would quickly be bumped down by another more reliable news outlet, but no such luck. Once it was updated following Mulcair’s “connect” session, it was renewed in its hit counts.

That Sun article stayed on top quite well into the evening. That’s disturbing in and of itself: that for a period of nearly four hours today, many Canadians were receiving the Sun’s version of our convention before they had easy access to anything else.

What bothers me even more is that Continue reading