Posts Tagged ‘ nonsense ’

The worst timing

Why, oh, why, do these things always happen at such inopportune times?

First, it was right in the middle of an inaugural strategy meeting a few days ago. Continue reading

Looking forward to it. I think.

Sleeping at 4:30 AM last night was probably not a smart idea. I saw my history reading in the morning once I woke up, and there was something I wrote that said:
After 1964,
Chiang   Go in,
Stand up,

USSR brhly hlped
T_T Clearly, taking notes while half-asleep is not a good idea. XD

There was a huge roadkill in the middle of the street right in front of my house this morning. It was a giant beige rabbit. Its tail had been torn off, and it was lying in a huge pool of its blood with a thin trail of pink intestines spewing out the front. And it was huge! Cars were trying to avoid driving over it, but because of its size, drivers couldn’t help but scrape the rabbit’s fur with the underside of the engine. T_T Poor little rabbit.

Very hyped about tomorrow’s ConnectMUN. 🙂 I just finished packing. All I can think about is my country’s opinion, and what sorts of things my Foreign Minister and I can argue, and what we could say to refute other nations’ accusations, etc, etc, etc. I’m so excited that I can’t concentrate on any other homework! XD Probably not a good thing.
I was able to convince my mother to give me a bit of money, so I’ll be able to eat out once or twice while I’m there. Apparently the PA group doesn’t have any plans, so I can just eat wherever I want. Perhaps Colin will join me sometimes. After all, he mentioned he barely knew anyone else there… and we’ll probably have a lot more to discuss after some of the committee meetings.

I’ll also meet Natasha for the first time there. This should be interesting… considering the reason we know each other in the first place. :\ It’s a bit ironic, really. He was concerned for a long time that “someday, the two of you are going to meet up”. And now we are, but it has nothing to do with him anymore. Heh.
BTW, Natasha, I haven’t forgotten about your jacket. I’ll bring it with me tomorrow.