Posts Tagged ‘ animals ’

“Animal Farm vs. America”

I came across this great article today about a 14-year-old girl who, completely unprompted, wrote an analysis comparing the problematic similarities between George Orwell’s Animal Farm and the current status of the USA.

Click the image to read the rest of her analysis. The conclusion is great.

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Allow me to venture for a moment into the realm of using-my-blog-as-though-it’s-a-Tumblr. I’m a bit of a mess right now because I have about ten thousand words due by end of week, a midterm that I just finished writing, and a presentation this evening. Maybe this will clear my head.

So anyway. The following is some combination of entertaining, unexpected, and thought-provoking. And maybe offensive? I hope not.

Well, this doesn’t exactly negate the stereotype, does it?

If you read the article, you’ll see he’s a convicted rapist, in which case, okay, clearly he doesn’t deserve any lenience. But goodness! Continue reading

Day 32: Don’t try to kiss a camel. (Also, the Dead Sea is salty.)

[EDIT: The post wasn’t finished when it got uploaded yesterday. If you already saw this post, well, please go look at it again because I’ve added a lot more to it.]

I tried to kiss a camel yesterday.

(Well, not really. I pretended to, so that I could pose for a photo.)

Either way, it didn’t go over so well with the camel.

The camel jolted and turned its giant head, smacked me in the face, and pushed me over… right into the desert sand. My friends were amused. So was I.


I decided at that moment that I would give up on camel love — probably better to stick with human men, eh? 🙂 Continue reading

Some tidbits about life at the Castle

Facebook wall post conversation between myself and Nicole Yeh.

For some reason when you say “dinner at the castle dining hall” I think of the Hogwarts dining hall with the changing sky ceiling and owls flying around delivering howlers 😀
And so you actually do go to London very often! Lucky you!

And the response…


Unfortunately, we don’t have quite that exciting of a dining hall. But we DO have brightly coloured flags of each of the “home universities” hanging around the walls. Sort of like the four house banners? And while we don’t have owl post…
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Crabbing makes me crabby.

Well, not really. It was actually quite fun, overall. I just felt like using that pun. XD Yeah, yeah, I know, I’m lame. So sue me. 😛

Anyways, after an early dinner, we drove to a beach around northern Burnaby to catch some crabs. I had no idea that there was any water access around there, but apparently there was. I think it’s some sort of inlet?

My father brought a large inflatable raft, and he and my brother rowed out from shore to cast one of the crab cages out in the middle of the water. He tied a giant milk jug to the end of the rope to mark where the cage was; I thought that was pretty smart.

I didn't get to ride the raft until the very end, but HEY! At least I did! XD

As for me, he left me the other two cages to throw from the dock! 🙂 I was rather pleased, you see, because when I was younger, I had always begged to be allowed to throw a cage, but he’d never let me. And now, I got to take care of TWO! 😀 I even caught a few, yes, but that part comes later.

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Cute or creepy? has a ton of hilarious animal photos. 😀
See link in sidebar.

Here are a few of my favourites — decide for yourself if these are a little creepy,
or if they’re just plain CUTE.
(Or maybe yummy, that could be it, too.)

Penguin: "LOOK OUT, BELOW!" Orca: "Oh, I'm looking all right. -evil grin-"

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PA2PW Salmon Presentations

I’m really looking forward to our fish presentations next week! 😀
We’ve made this giant fish head for me to wear, and a pair of flippers, too.
I am going to be Sammy the Salmon. Oh yes. And I’m going to tell the sad sad story of how a lot of my friends died due to overfishing and chemical pollution, etc.

Sammy the Salmon, and her creator.

I typed up some of our info and the itinerary, below.
This is going to be exciting. 😀

Tuesday, April 6 – Grade 2 (Visscher, Hamm, Williams)
Wednesday, April 7 – Grade 1 (Hiebert, Tegart/Stonely)

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Looking forward to it. I think.

Sleeping at 4:30 AM last night was probably not a smart idea. I saw my history reading in the morning once I woke up, and there was something I wrote that said:
After 1964,
Chiang   Go in,
Stand up,

USSR brhly hlped
T_T Clearly, taking notes while half-asleep is not a good idea. XD

There was a huge roadkill in the middle of the street right in front of my house this morning. It was a giant beige rabbit. Its tail had been torn off, and it was lying in a huge pool of its blood with a thin trail of pink intestines spewing out the front. And it was huge! Cars were trying to avoid driving over it, but because of its size, drivers couldn’t help but scrape the rabbit’s fur with the underside of the engine. T_T Poor little rabbit.

Very hyped about tomorrow’s ConnectMUN. 🙂 I just finished packing. All I can think about is my country’s opinion, and what sorts of things my Foreign Minister and I can argue, and what we could say to refute other nations’ accusations, etc, etc, etc. I’m so excited that I can’t concentrate on any other homework! XD Probably not a good thing.
I was able to convince my mother to give me a bit of money, so I’ll be able to eat out once or twice while I’m there. Apparently the PA group doesn’t have any plans, so I can just eat wherever I want. Perhaps Colin will join me sometimes. After all, he mentioned he barely knew anyone else there… and we’ll probably have a lot more to discuss after some of the committee meetings.

I’ll also meet Natasha for the first time there. This should be interesting… considering the reason we know each other in the first place. :\ It’s a bit ironic, really. He was concerned for a long time that “someday, the two of you are going to meet up”. And now we are, but it has nothing to do with him anymore. Heh.
BTW, Natasha, I haven’t forgotten about your jacket. I’ll bring it with me tomorrow.