Archive for October, 2013

She’s in Toronto.

Don’t even ask why or how. It happened. I tried to prevent it.
As if I could actually change things.

And, lo and behold, could we even last an hour without entering a screaming match? Of course not. We kept quiet, somewhat, but even then, it was only because we were in public.

But once we were back in the privacy of my home?

Hah, no. Of course our anger was a volcano, just waiting to erupt. Continue reading

The Highs and Lows

My week has been a mess of crazy excitement and crazy stress. Not merely a blend of good and bad, no. It’s been a blend of horrible and marvellous.

Yeah, there were some pretty dramatically terrible pieces of the last few days.

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The Sleazeballs of Politics

I had no idea the men in politics could be so sleazy.

I was at an event on campus this evening, where Elizabeth May was keynote speaker, in affiliation with Fair Vote Canada. This is the final leg of her cross-Canada tour for electoral reform.

Now, Elizabeth herself was fine. I even agreed with some of the things she said. But her supporters and guests from the Green Party? Oh, not so much. Continue reading

The Magic Cocktail Generator

This year’s Nuit Blanche started closing down exhibits a little early, so I missed a lot of the art.

But you know what made up for it? Attending the amazing Cocktail Generator Gala, where award-winning bartenders created unique drinks based on each person’s personality and preferences. (Did you know it was Toronto Cocktail Week?!)

We asked him for something inspired by my new hair.
He grinned and rose to the challenge. 😀

Here he is, creating the masterpiece.

Here he is, creating the masterpiece!
(According to the sign, his name was either George Kaplan or Wes Galloway.)

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Good-bye, LSAT.

I took the exam yesterday.

It was horrid, having to utterly destroy whatever was left of my schedule, in order to find time to study for it and then plan to wake up at 6 AM to go to the exam — on the same day as Nuit Blanche, no less!

But it’s over now.

And on the bright side, Continue reading

My hair resembles a cocktail.

That’s what my friend says, anyway.

My roots grew out (approximately two inches), and I’m doing a photo shoot next week, so it was time to re-dye my hair. The lovely bold blue that I showed you three weeks ago has almost completely faded away, anyway.

Usually, I re-bleach about twice a year, to provide a solid foundation on which to add the actual colours. My hair is so dark that colours rarely show up unless I bleach the hair for a long long long time first.

So, I bleached it.

We’re left with the freshly-bleached roots and the ridiculous blend of faded colours I had before.

Now, have fun laughing at the delicious result.

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