Posts Tagged ‘ women’s rights ’

Prove You Wrong

It’s fitting that the #LawNeedsFeminismBecause forum took place mere days after the #DaughtersoftheVote took over Parliament.

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Sexism and Racism in Politics: Just Grin and Bear It

Time for a brief rant.

As a woman in politics, I hate — utterly hate — that some voters continue to view us as nothing more than decoration on a campaign.

Today, my candidate was approached by a voter whose effort to praise our campaign was limited to a smirk in my direction: “Hey, where’d you find THAT one? Every campaign needs one of ‘those’ to attract voters. I mean… she sure got me through the door of your office.”

Is it a compliment? Oh, I’m sure it was meant as one.

But I’d hope that my contributions to this campaign featured my brain, or my communication skills, or my strategic knowledge. Anything beyond my appearance.

Oh, sure, it’s nice that my physical appearance attracts voters rather than scares them away. But be honest: how often would a voter make a comment like that about a male campaigner? Hah.

This same guy had strolled into the office a few nights ago, way past office hours, tried to chat me up, and then, on his way out, winked at me and said, “What is it between me and Chinese women, y’know?”

Nothing. There was nothing between him and me. Idiot.

But the truly irritating part is that you cannot tell these people off for their disgusting comments… because it could cost you a vote.

And who would I be if lost a vote for a worthy candidate over this? My friends tell me that sometimes, there are things more important than a vote. Or they say that we don’t want the vote of idiots like those.

But I think we all know better.

It would be awfully nice if we could honour our own self-respect and give these idiots a piece of our minds. It would feel so good to retort back with the witty responses that I’ve perfected over the years. But we all know better than to place our own self-righteousness above the careers of our candidates. How selfish would that me, if I harmed the chances of a really spectacular candidate because I couldn’t exercise self-control when someone offended me? 

And so we stand there, with cold, sweet smiles plastered across our faces, and we force ourselves put up with these disgusting comments from potential voters.

Because we’re women.

Because we’re an “exotic” ethnic minority.

Because we have no choice.

The Sleazeballs of Politics

I had no idea the men in politics could be so sleazy.

I was at an event on campus this evening, where Elizabeth May was keynote speaker, in affiliation with Fair Vote Canada. This is the final leg of her cross-Canada tour for electoral reform.

Now, Elizabeth herself was fine. I even agreed with some of the things she said. But her supporters and guests from the Green Party? Oh, not so much. Continue reading

Response: “6 Reasons to NOT Send Your Daughter to College”

It doesn’t matter how intelligent she is, or whether she’s capable of accomplishing great things. It doesn’t matter what kind of a successful career she wants. All that matters is making sure she becomes a mother — without delay.

That’s what I’m getting out of this article. It blows my mind.


Done?  Good. Welcome back.
I hope you’re already foaming at the mouth with indignation.

They’ve got a pretty horrifying list: everything from her earning potential, her value as a homemaker, and, of course, insisting that she will regret it.

I’m rather dumbfounded that these are the excuses people are making to deprive their own daughters of an education — and the daughters of everyone in their religious community, too!

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Three short rants

I am in a dreadful mood this evening. Sort of.
Rick Mercer’s political satire makes me feel better about it all.

Why? Because various individuals and institutions have been failing today. Failing to deliver what they owe me, or failing to provide a reasonable work environment that is conducive to productive work, or failing to respond maturely to a conflict.

Some are political, some are not. And I’m not letting myself get too bogged down by it, because I still have a paper to write about systematic rape as a war crime in Rwanda… because yeah, that’s definitely going to make me feel much better about it all. >_>

Whatever. Three items. Three short descriptions. Let’s go.
(No, I swear, I’ll try to keep it short!) Continue reading

“Feminism” debunked

The term “feminist” has gotten a lot of flak in the media and on the internet lately, hasn’t it?
Well, today’s the day I will try to debunk it.

A friend of mine who tends to be heavily opposed to the idea of feminism shared a particular video with me earlier today. I should note that his views are not a result of being misogynistic, but rather because he has certain preconceptions of what the word “feminism” means.

I didn’t expect today to be the day I had the opportunity to debunk this, but things happen without preparation sometimes, mm? Here’s the conversation, with a few minor edits. May you find it helpful in explaining to other unconvinced individuals (but particularly men) that no, not all women are “feminazis.”

The video included footage of a group of feminists who protested outside the doors of a guest lecturer who was speaking about how society disadvantaged men.

Challenger: “So are you proud?”

Me: “No, of course not. These people expressed their views in a way that became harassing and negative. It gives feminism a bad name, just as Westboro Baptist Church gives religion a bad name. Just as the Ku Klux Klan gives the Deep South a bad name.”

Challenger: “This is what modern feminism manifests itself as.”

Me: “Not true. Continue reading

My bicycle protects me from peer pressure.

Today, my bicycle proved to be useful in a somewhat unconventional way, beyond simply reducing my transportation times or allowing me to continue boycotting the TTC, and of course beyond just allowing me to wear elevated footwear despite a full day of classes.

Today, my bicycle gave me an excuse against peer pressure.

I have a friend who’s moving away for the next multiple months. I was invited to her going-away party (and quite flattered to be, too — I didn’t think I’d make the cut). It was held at a sort of restaurant-and-pub establishment in downtown Toronto, and of course I was more than happy to be there to celebrate with her.

But after about an hour or so, everyone else was starting to get into that alcohol-induced vibe. And they started noticing that I wasn’t drinking. Now, I haven’t hung out with people at drinking-type events very much, so realistically, I didn’t have much of a response planned. “I don’t really drink much” just doesn’t cut it for some people — they’ll hit you back with “but isn’t this important enough of a situation?”

Sometimes, you even get responses that try to appeal to your character: Continue reading

Equal Wage Day

Never heard of it? Well, that’s today.

At least, THIS year, it’s today. It could change next year — hopefully it’ll be earlier in the calendar by the time 2011 rolls around.

Equal Wage Day, for those of you who do not know, is the day marking the number of days a woman would have had to work in 2009 to earn as much money as their male counterparts.
In our case, a man would have worked x days in 2009 to earn y amount of money… but in order to make that same amount, a woman would have had to work until April 20th of 2010. That’s an entire 110 more days.

Gender inequality, anyone? RAWR.

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